Hand and Foot Care

The best care . . .
Paraffin is a natural emollient so it adds moisture to the sink while the wax is applied, but it also helps create moisture in your skin long after the treatment is complete. A paraffin treatment creates a sort of barrier on your skin that helps retain the oils that your body naturally produces.
A wax bath can also aid in healing problems with the skin. Paraffin wax can be effective in soothing and softening calluses on hands and feet and healing dry cracked skin, especially on heels.
In addition to soothing and healing the skin, paraffin treatments have many therapeutic benefits for internal ailments as well. Paraffin wax has been shown to treat conditions like arthritis and fibromyalgia among others. A wax treatment acts as a type of thermotherapy, or heat therapy, that helps treat these conditions by increasing blood flow, relaxing muscles and reducing stiffness in joints. It can also help with minimizing muscle spasms and inflammation, and to treat sprains and pulled muscles.
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